Cho Oyu:6th Highest Mountain in the World

Cho oyu
Photo by Alex Antsiferov

Cho Oyu is the sixth highest mountain in the world. Its name, originating from Tibetan, translates to “Turquoise Goddess.” Renowned for its breathtaking beauty, Cho Oyu is a favored destination for mountaineers aspiring to conquer one of the world’s “eight-thousanders,” which are mountains exceeding 8,000 meters (26,247 feet) in elevation.

So, if you’re an adventure enthusiast with a passion for climbing and trekking, this article is perfect for you. In this article, we’re going to take a close look at Cho Oyu, the world’s 6th highest mountain. Let’s dive deep into all the interesting details about it:

Location of Cho Oyu

It is located in the Himalayas, straddling the border between Tibet Autonomous Region, China, and Nepal. It stands at an elevation of 8,188 meters (26,864 feet) above sea level, making it the sixth highest mountain in the world.

Fatality Rate of Cho Oyu

Despite advancements in climbing techniques and equipment, Cho Oyu remains a formidable peak with a notable fatality rate. The fatality rate varies from year to year but generally hovers around 2-3%, making it one of the less deadly among the eight-thousanders. However, this should not undermine the seriousness of the risks involved, as even experienced climbers can succumb to the challenges posed by Cho Oyu’s harsh environment.

Conquering Cho Oyu requires careful planning, physical endurance, and mountaineering expertise. While the fatality rate may be relatively lower compared to some other peaks, climbers must not underestimate the mountain’s challenges and should prioritize safety above all else during their ascent.

Challenges of Climbing Cho Oyu

Climbing Cho Oyu presents a myriad of challenges that test even the most experienced mountaineers. From altitude-related issues to unpredictable weather and technical obstacles, navigating this Himalayan giant requires careful planning and skillful execution.

Below are the primary challenges climbers face when attempting to summit Cho Oyu:

1. Altitude Acclimatization:

Coping with the extreme altitude of Cho Oyu demands a gradual acclimatization process to combat altitude sickness and fatigue caused by reduced oxygen levels at high elevations.

2. Unpredictable Weather:

Cho Oyu’s reputation for rapidly changing weather patterns, including sudden snowstorms, high winds, and severe cold, poses significant risks to climbers and necessitates constant monitoring and adaptability.

3. Technical Difficulties:

While not as technically demanding as some other eight-thousanders, navigating Cho Oyu’s crevasses, steep slopes, and icy terrain requires climbers to employ advanced mountaineering skills, often utilizing fixed ropes and ice axes for safety.

4. Avalanche Hazard:

The mountain’s steep slopes and hanging glaciers increase the risk of avalanches, particularly during periods of heavy snowfall or rapid temperature fluctuations, adding another layer of danger to the ascent.

Successfully overcoming these challenges requires meticulous planning, physical fitness, and mental resilience, underscoring the formidable nature of Cho Oyu as a mountaineering objective.

Milestones and Achievements in Cho Oyu Mountaineering History

Cho Oyu has a rich history filled with major climbs and milestones. Here are some significant events:

1. First Reconnaissance:

In 1952, the first exploration of Cho Oyu was conducted by an expedition led by Eric Shipton, who discovered the peak during their survey of the area.

2. First Attempt:

The Swiss Mount Everest-Lhotse expedition made the first attempt to climb Cho Oyu in 1952 but was unsuccessful due to poor weather and difficult terrain.

3. First Ascent:

The Austrian Herbert Tichy, along with Pasang Dawa Lama and Sepp Jöchler, successfully summited Cho Oyu via the northwest ridge on October 19, 1954. This marked the first ascent of the mountain.

4. First Winter Ascent:

Maciej Berbeka and Maciej Pawlikowski of Poland achieved the first winter ascent of Cho Oyu on February 12, 1985, via the normal route.

5. Solo Ascent:

Pierre Beghin of France completed the first solo ascent of Cho Oyu on May 12, 1985, via the normal route.

6. Speed Record:

Austrian climber Christian Stangl set a speed record for the fastest ascent of Cho Oyu, reaching the summit in just 15 hours and 45 minutes.

7. Multiple Summits:

Spanish climber Edurne Pasaban became the first woman to summit Cho Oyu, as part of her quest to climb all 14 eight-thousanders. She completed her ascent on May 7, 2011.

8. Oldest Summiteer:

Japanese mountaineer Yuichiro Miura became the oldest person to reach the summit of Cho Oyu at the age of 85 on May 23, 2018.

These climbs and milestones highlight the significance of Cho Oyu in mountaineering history and its continuous allure to adventurers from around the world.

Unveiling the Best Climbing Routes

1. Climbing Routes

Cho Oyu offers several climbing routes, each with its own challenges and characteristics. Yet, the West Face route, located on the Tibetan side, reigns as the most favored and commonly chosen. Renowned for its relatively manageable ascent, this route sees successful summits from a majority of climbers.

1.1. West Face Route
  • Description: The West Face route offers a relatively straightforward climb with a well-established path. It begins with a trek to Advanced Base Camp (ABC), followed by acclimatization climbs. Camps 1, 2, and 3 are established on the mountain before the summit push.
  • Difficulty Level: Considered moderate for an 8,000-meter peak, it demands a high level of fitness, mountaineering experience, and good acclimatization. Key challenges include the Khumbu Icefall between Camp 1 and Camp 2 and the Yellow Band above Camp 3.
  • Route Details:
    • Trek to ABC through moraine valleys and past yak pastures.
      • Camp1: Glacial ridge at around 6,400 meters.
      • Camp2: Snow slope at around 6,700 meters.
      • Camp-3: Below the Yellow Band at around 7,100 meters.
      • Yellow Band: Series of fixed ropes aiding ascent on a steep rock face.
      • Summit push from Camp 3 usually starts around midnight and takes up to 12 hours.

2. Other Routes

There are additional routes on Cho Oyu, situated on the Nepal side of the mountain. However, these routes are less frequented and demand greater technical climbing proficiency. Details of these routes are as follow:

2.1. North Ridge:

  • Description:
    • Considered a formidable challenge, the North Ridge route tackles Cho Oyu from the Chinese side, starting near Nangpa La Pass. This route is known for its long and demanding ascent with significant sections of steep snow and ice slopes. Excellent ice climbing skills and comfort with extreme exposure are essential for attempting this route. While offering unparalleled views, this route is attempted by far fewer climbers due to the difficulty.
  • Difficulty Level: Extreme

2.2. Northwest Face:

  • Description:
    • This route, also starting on the Chinese side, is known for its mixed terrain of rock, ice, and snow. It’s a challenging route with steeper sections than the West Face, demanding strong technical climbing abilities on both rock and ice. The remoteness of this route adds to the complexity and requires climbers to be self-sufficient for much of the climb.
  • Difficulty Level: Hard
2.3. East Face:
  • Description: The least frequented route on Cho Oyu, the East Face is a truly extreme challenge for experienced mountaineers. The route features long sections of technical climbing on steep ice and mixed terrain. Due to the remoteness and harsh conditions, this route is rarely attempted and requires extensive experience and self-sufficiency.
  • Difficulty Level: Extreme

Safety Precautions for Climbing Mount Cho Oyu

Climbing Mount Cho Oyu requires careful planning and adherence to safety precautions due to its high altitude and challenging terrain. Here are some safety precautions to consider:

1. Acclimatization:

Gradually ascend to higher altitudes to allow your body to adjust to the reduced oxygen levels. Take rest days at intermediate camps to acclimatize properly.

2. Physical fitness:

Ensure you are in excellent physical condition before attempting the climb. Regular cardio and strength training exercises can help prepare your body for the physical demands of high-altitude climbing.

3. Proper gear:

Invest in high-quality mountaineering gear, including insulated clothing, sturdy boots, a helmet, harness, ropes, and crampons. Check all equipment thoroughly before the climb.

4. Weather monitoring:

Stay updated on weather forecasts for the region and be prepared for sudden changes in weather conditions. Avoid climbing during storms or adverse weather conditions.

5. Adequate supplies:

Carry enough food, water, and supplies to sustain yourself during the climb. Pack high-energy snacks and stay hydrated to prevent altitude sickness and dehydration.

6. Teamwork:

Climbing with an experienced team or guide can enhance safety on the mountain. Communicate effectively with your team members and follow the guidance of experienced climbers.

7. Emergency Preparedness:

Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and carry essential medical supplies, including a first aid kit, oxygen, and a communication device such as a satellite phone or radio.

8. Route Knowledge:

Study the route beforehand and be aware of potential hazards such as crevasses, avalanches, and rockfall. Follow established routes and avoid risky shortcuts.

9. Leave no trace:

Respect the environment and leave no litter behind. Dispose of waste properly and minimize your impact on the fragile mountain ecosystem.

10. Know your limits:

Be honest about your abilities and know when to turn back if conditions become too challenging. Prioritize safety over summiting the peak.

By following these safety precautions and exercising caution, you can increase the likelihood of a successful and safe climb on Mount Cho Oyu.

Trekking in Cho Oyu:

Trekking in Cho Oyu offers an exhilarating adventure amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Himalayas. Its awe-inspiring beauty and challenging terrain attract adventurers from around the globe seeking an unforgettable trekking experience. Let’s delve into the details of embarking on a trek to conquer Cho Oyu:

Preparation for Trekking

Embarking on a trek to Cho Oyu requires meticulous preparation. Firstly, one must ensure peak physical fitness to endure the demanding journey. Regular cardiovascular and strength training exercises are essential. Additionally, assembling the right gear and equipment, including sturdy hiking boots, insulated clothing, and a reliable backpack, is crucial for a successful trek.

Routes and Highlights

Trekking in its vicinity offers breathtaking views and an unforgettable experience for adventure enthusiasts. Below are some of the routes and highlights of trekking in Cho Oyu:

1. Southwest Ridge Route:

  • Route Description: The Southwest Ridge Route is the standard route for climbers attempting to summit Cho Oyu. It offers a challenging yet rewarding trekking experience.
  • Highlights:
    • Stunning views of the Himalayan range.
    • Crossing the Nangpa La, a high pass between Nepal and Tibet.
    • Base Camp at an altitude of around 5,150 meters.
    • Camps at intermediate points like Camp 1 (6,400m) and Camp 2 (7,000m).
    • Technical climbing sections adding to the thrill of the trek.

2. Tibetan Plateau Route:

  • Route Description: This route offers a unique trekking experience through the Tibetan Plateau, providing insights into the local culture and landscape.
  • Highlights:
    • Traversing the vast Tibetan Plateau with its unique flora and fauna.
    • Visiting traditional Tibetan villages and monasteries along the way.
    • Stunning views of Cho Oyu from different angles as you approach closer.
    • Immersion in Tibetan culture and lifestyle, interacting with locals.

3. Gokyo Lakes Route:

  • Route Description: The Gokyo Lakes Route is a less-traveled but equally mesmerizing trekking route offering stunning views of Cho Oyu and the surrounding peaks.
  • Highlights:
    • Exploring the pristine Gokyo Lakes and their surrounding glaciers.
    • Passing through charming Sherpa villages like Namche Bazaar and Khumjung.
    • Panoramic views of Cho Oyu, Everest, Lhotse, and Makalu from Gokyo Ri.
    • Opportunity to acclimatize gradually due to the route’s gentle ascent.

4. Everest Base Camp and Cho Oyu Advanced Base Camp Route:

  • Route Description: This route combines the iconic trek to Everest Base Camp with an extension to Cho Oyu Advanced Base Camp, offering a comprehensive Himalayan adventure.
  • Highlights:
    • Trekking through the legendary Khumbu region to reach Everest Base Camp.
    • Spectacular views of Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, and Cho Oyu from various viewpoints.
    • Continuing the journey towards Cho Oyu Advanced Base Camp, experiencing the transition from the Everest region to Cho Oyu’s vicinity.
    • Immersing in the unique mountain environment and camaraderie among fellow trekkers and climbers.

Trekking in Cho Oyu offers a diverse range of routes, each with its own highlights and challenges. Whether you opt for the standard Southwest Ridge Route, explore the Tibetan Plateau, trek via the Gokyo Lakes, or combine it with a journey to Everest Base Camp, Cho Oyu promises an unforgettable adventure amidst the grandeur of the Himalayas.

How to Choose a Tour Operator?

Choosing the right tour operator can greatly enhance your travel experience. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

1. Researching Tour Companies

When selecting a tour operator for trekking or climbing in Cho Oyu, thorough research is essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Look for companies with a proven track record of professionalism, safety standards, and positive customer reviews.

2. Reviews and Recommendations

Seeking recommendations from friends, reading online reviews, and checking travel forums can provide valuable insights into the reputation and reliability of tour operators offering expeditions to Cho Oyu. Choose a company that prioritizes safety, sustainability, and customer satisfaction.

Essential Gear for Trekking and Climbing Cho Oyu

Trekking and climbing Cho Oyu requires careful preparation and essential gear to ensure safety and success. Here’s a list of essential gear:

  • Sturdy and insulated boots for high-altitude climbing, providing traction and cold protection.
  • Essential for safety on roped sections and attaching to fixed lines.
  • Protects against falling debris and head injuries from rockfall or slips.
  • Traction devices for grip on snow and ice.
  • For self-arrest and stability on steep terrain.
  • Aid in balance and reduce strain on knees during ascents and descents.
  • Insulation for high altitudes where temperatures drop significantly.
  • Moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, and waterproof outer layers.
  • Rated for sub-zero temperatures for warmth at high camps.
  • Lightweight, durable shelter for base camps and high-altitude camps.
  • Large enough for essential gear and supplies for multiple days.
  • Lightweight stove, fuel, and cookware for hot meals and melting snow.
  • Supplies for treating minor injuries, altitude sickness, and emergencies.
  • Map, compass, and GPS device for mountain navigation.
  • Sunglasses, sunscreen, and lip balm with high SPF for sun and snow protection.
  • Insulated water bottles or hydration bladder for staying hydrated.
  • Lightweight, calorie-dense foods like nuts, energy bars, and dried fruits.
  • Prescription medications for altitude sickness prevention and treatment.
  • Satellite phone or two-way radio for emergencies and communication.
  • Toiletries, repair kits, headlamp with extra batteries, and other necessary items for comfort and safety.

Before embarking on any climbing expedition, it’s essential to have proper training, experience, and knowledge of mountaineering techniques, as well as to check weather forecasts and obtain any necessary permits or permissions for the climb. Safety should always be the top priority.

Tips for a Successful Trekking and Climbing Experience

Here are some tips for a successful experience:

  • Start training early for endurance and strength.
  • Gradually ascend to higher altitudes to avoid sickness.
  • Invest in high-quality gear for extreme conditions.
  • Consider hiring experienced professionals.
  • Stay informed and adjust plans accordingly.
  • Stay hydrated and eat calorie-rich foods.
  • Follow safety rules and be aware of altitude sickness signs.
  • Practice Leave No Trace principles.
  • Obtain necessary permits and follow local rules.
  • Appreciate the beauty and embrace the challenges.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Cho Oyu for trekking and climbing is during the spring (April-May) and autumn (September-November) seasons. During these months, the weather is generally stable, with clear skies and mild temperatures, making it ideal for outdoor activities.

Peak Season vs. Off-Season

The peak season for trekking and climbing in Cho Oyu typically coincides with the spring and autumn months when the weather conditions are most favorable and the mountain trails are bustling with activity. However, for those seeking a quieter and more serene experience, the off-season months of winter (December-February) and monsoon (June-August) can offer unique opportunities to explore Cho Oyu with fewer crowds and lower prices.

Getting to Cho oyu: Transportation Guide

Getting to Cho Oyu, typically involves multiple stages of transportation due to its remote location in the Himalayas. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to get there:

  1. International Travel:
  2. Travel to Base Camp:
    • From Kathmandu:
      • Option 1: Drive to the village of Tingri, Tibet, which serves as the starting point for many Cho Oyu expeditions. This journey takes around 4-5 days by road.
      • Option 2: Take a domestic flight from Kathmandu to Lhasa, then drive or fly to Shigatse, Tibet. From Shigatse, drive to Tingri.
    • From Lhasa:
      • Drive from Lhasa to Shigatse, then continue by road to Tingri.
  3. Trek to Advanced Base Camp (ABC):
    • From Base Camp, trek or use yaks to transport equipment to Intermediate Camp and then Advanced Base Camp (ABC) at around 5,700 meters (18,700 feet). This trek usually takes several days and requires proper acclimatization.
  4. Climbing Cho Oyu:
    • Once at ABC, climbers typically spend several weeks acclimatizing and preparing for the summit push. This includes climbing practice on nearby peaks, rest days, and ascending and descending to higher camps to adjust to the altitude.
    • The final push to the summit usually involves establishing additional high camps before attempting the summit.
  5. Return Journey:
    • After summiting Cho Oyu, climbers descend back to Base Camp and then begin the journey back to Kathmandu or Lhasa, depending on the route taken.
    • From Base Camp, transportation options include driving back to Kathmandu or Lhasa or arranging for a helicopter evacuation to a nearby town with an airport.

Additional Tips:

  • Permits and Regulations:
    • Ensure you have all the necessary permits for traveling in Tibet, as regulations can be strict.
  • Weather Considerations:
    • Be prepared for weather changes, especially at high altitudes. Weather can impact road conditions and flight schedules.
  • Altitude Acclimatization:
    • Take time to acclimatize to the high altitude to avoid altitude sickness.
  • Local Guides and Agencies:
    • Consider hiring local guides or joining an organized expedition for support and logistics.

Note: Traveling to Cho Oyu involves remote and rugged terrain. It’s essential to plan ahead, be prepared for challenging conditions, and prioritize safety throughout your journey.

Accommodation Options for Cho Oyu Expeditions

Due to Cho Oyu’s remote location, accommodation options are limited and consist mainly of guesthouses and tented camps set up specifically for expeditions. Here are a few options:

1. Tented Camps

Tented camps reign as the primary accommodation choice for climbers embarking on Cho Oyu expeditions. These camps dot the climbing route, offering basic amenities amidst the rugged terrain.

2. Guesthouses in Nearby Villages

For a slightly more comfortable stay, a handful of guesthouses are scattered across villages like Thangme and Sachen, near Cho Oyu. Though still basic, these guesthouses provide a step up in comfort compared to tented camps, albeit with limited amenities.

3. Preparing for Rustic Conditions

Given Cho Oyu’s remote and high-altitude locale, visitors must anticipate rustic conditions and scarce amenities, regardless of their chosen lodging.

4. Emphasis on the Climb

It’s important to note that Cho Oyu expeditions prioritize the climb itself, rather than luxurious accommodations. Thus, climbers should adjust their expectations accordingly, focusing on the adventure that awaits rather than the comforts of home.

Discovering Cho Oyu: Exploring Popular Attractions in the Himalayas

Cho Oyu, the sixth tallest peak globally, stands majestically in the Himalayas, straddling the border between Nepal and Tibet. Although renowned as a premier destination for mountaineers, the region offers a plethora of attractions and activities beyond climbing:

1. Mountaineering:

The main attraction of Cho Oyu is mountaineering. Climbers from around the world come to attempt its ascent, which though challenging, is considered less technically difficult compared to other peaks in the region like Everest.

2. Trekking:

The region around Cho Oyu offers incredible trekking opportunities. Treks in the nearby areas like the Gokyo Valley or the Nangpa La Pass offer stunning views of Cho Oyu and other Himalayan peaks.

3. Nangpa La:

Nangpa La is a high altitude pass in the Himalayas, located near Cho Oyu. It’s a popular trekking route and offers spectacular views of Cho Oyu and neighboring peaks.

4. Base Camps:

Cho Oyu base camps, both on the Tibetan and Nepalese sides, are hubs of activity during the climbing seasons. Even if you’re not climbing, visiting these base camps can give you a glimpse into the mountaineering culture and the sheer scale of the mountain.

5. Cultural Exploration:

The region surrounding Cho Oyu is rich in Tibetan and Sherpa culture. Visiting nearby villages and monasteries can offer insights into the local way of life and traditions.

6. Wildlife Viewing:

The area around Cho Oyu is home to various wildlife species like Himalayan blue sheep, snow leopards, and various species of birds. Wildlife enthusiasts can enjoy spotting these animals in their natural habitat.

7. Photography:

For photography enthusiasts, Cho Oyu and its surrounding landscapes provide endless opportunities to capture stunning shots of the Himalayas, glaciers, and alpine scenery.

Photography Tips
  • Capturing the Landscape
    • The breathtaking landscapes of Cho Oyu provide endless opportunities for stunning photography. Experiment with different angles, lighting conditions, and compositions to capture the majesty of the mountains, the serenity of the lakes, and the vibrant colors of the Himalayan flora and fauna
  • Respect for Privacy
    • When photographing local communities or indigenous people, always ask for permission and respect their privacy and cultural sensitivities. Avoid intrusive or exploitative photography, and strive to portray their lives and traditions with dignity and respect.

8. Stargazing:

With its remote location and high altitude, Cho Oyu offers excellent conditions for stargazing. On clear nights, the sky is filled with countless stars, making it a memorable experience for astronomy enthusiasts.

These attractions make Cho Oyu not only a paradise for mountaineers but also for adventurers, nature lovers, and those interested in experiencing the unique culture of the Himalayan region.


In conclusion, Cho Oyu presents a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and adventure, making it a sought-after destination for mountaineers, trekkers, and enthusiasts alike. While the primary allure lies in its towering peak and challenging ascent, the surrounding region offers a wealth of attractions, from trekking through picturesque valleys to immersing oneself in the vibrant local culture. Through responsible exploration and appreciation of its awe-inspiring landscapes, Cho Oyu invites visitors to embark on a journey of discovery, adventure, and reverence for the majestic Himalayas.

Hope you found this article helpful! If you want to discover more then check our other blogs on World’s Top 10 Mountain Peaks.