A Guide to Hiking the Big Pine Lakes Trail

Hiking is more than just a recreational activity; it’s an opportunity to immerse oneself in the awe-inspiring beauty of nature, to disconnect from the chaos of everyday life, and to reconnect with the majesty of the great outdoors. One trail that offers such an experience in abundance is the Big Pine Lakes Trail. This trail stands out as one of the most breathtaking hikes across the United States.

Big Pine Lakes, California
Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash

So, if you are planning to embark on a breathtaking hiking adventure in the Eastern Sierra then Big Pine Lakes Trail is perfect for you. It offers a journey through a diverse landscape of towering peaks, crystal-clear lakes, and lush forests.

Let’s delve deeply into its details!

Big Pine Lakes Trail Overview

Here is the overview of the Big Pine Lakes Trail:

1. Location:

The Big Pine Lakes Trail is situated in the Eastern Sierra region of California, renowned for its stunning natural beauty and rugged landscapes. This trail is a favorite among outdoor enthusiasts seeking an immersive wilderness experience.

2. Length:

The length of the Big Pine Lakes Trail varies depending on which specific route or loop you choose to take. Generally, the trail is about 15.4 miles round trip, depending on whether you visit just the first lake or continue on to the higher lakes. It’s a beautiful hike with stunning views of the Sierra Nevada mountains.

3. Difficulty Level:

The trail is rated as moderate to strenuous due to its elevation gains and rocky terrain, making it a challenging yet rewarding experience for seasoned hikers. It’s advisable to wear appropriate footwear and ensure you’re physically prepared for the journey.

Hiking Adventure: Exploring the Big Pine Lakes Trail

Hiking the Big Pine Lakes Trail isn’t just about reaching the destination; it’s about embracing the journey, connecting with nature, and discovering the beauty that surrounds us. With each step, hikers are invited to immerse themselves in the grandeur of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and witness firsthand the wonders of the natural world.


The trailhead for the Big Pine Lakes Trail is located at the Big Pine Creek Campground, at the end of Glacier Lodge Road, Inyo National Forest. It offers various options for hikers, from shorter day hikes to longer multi-day adventures. It is the starting point for a scenic hike through some of the most breathtaking alpine lakes in the area.

Highlights of The Big Pine Lakes Trail

The Big Pine Lakes Trail offers a stunning array of natural beauty and diverse landscapes. Here are some highlights of this trail:

Big Pine Lakes Trail

1. Scenic Views:

The trail provides breathtaking vistas of the Eastern Sierra Nevada mountains, including towering peaks and pristine alpine lakes. This Trail is primarily known for its first three lakes, there are actually a total of seven lakes in the basin that hikers can explore.

  • First Lake: This is the first lake encountered on the trail and often serves as a picturesque starting point for hikers. Its crystal-clear waters reflect the surrounding peaks, creating postcard-worthy scenes.
  • Second Lake: As you continue along the trail, you’ll come across the Second Lake, which is renowned for its striking turquoise color and the dramatic backdrop of Temple Crag.
  • Third Lake: The Third Lake is the largest of the Big Pine Lakes and offers plenty of opportunities for exploration and relaxation. It’s an ideal spot for a picnic or a refreshing swim.

However, after Third Lake, the trail continues to offer stunning scenery and additional lakes.

2. Waterfalls:

Along the trail, you may encounter several cascading waterfalls, adding to the trail’s allure and providing refreshing sights and sounds.

3. Wildlife Viewing:

Furthermore, keep an eye out for wildlife such as marmots, deer, and various bird species that inhabit the area. The trail offers excellent opportunities for wildlife viewing and photography.

4. Wildflowers:

During the spring and summer months, the trail is often adorned with colorful wildflowers, adding an extra layer of beauty to the already stunning landscape.

5. Camping Spots:

In addition to this, there are designated camping areas along the trail, allowing hikers to extend their adventure and spend more time soaking in the beauty of the wilderness. Permits are required for overnight stays, so be sure to check with the appropriate authorities beforehand.

6. Fishing:

Lastly, fishing enthusiasts will appreciate the opportunity to cast their lines in the pristine waters of the Big Pine Lakes, which are home to trout and other fish species.

Preparing for the Hike

Preparing for hiking the Big Pine Lakes Trail requires careful consideration of:

  • Essential Gear
  • Physical Fitness Requirements
  • Safety Precautions

Ultimately, these measures ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Necessary Gear List

To tackle the Big Pine Lakes Trail, it’s essential to come prepared with the right gear.

  • First and foremost, sturdy hiking boots are a must for navigating rugged terrain.
  • Additionally, a comfortable backpack is essential. It is useful for carrying water, snacks, and other essentials.
  • Moreover, wear lightweight and moisture-wicking clothing. It will keep you comfortable throughout the journey.
  • Furthermore, don’t forget to bring a map. Additionally, bring compass or GPS device for navigation as well.
  • First-aid kit for emergencies.
  • Lastly, consider packing a lightweight tent or shelter. It is required if you are planning to camp overnight along the trail.

Safety Precautions:

When hiking the Big Pine Lakes Trail, safety should be a top priority. Therefore, here are some precautions to keep in mind:

  • Firstly, Obtain a wilderness permit from the White Mountain Ranger Station.
  • Also, check the weather forecast and be prepared for changing conditions.
  • Bring plenty of water and electrolyte-rich snacks.
  • Navigate with a map, compass, and GPS device.
  • Furthermore, wear sturdy boots or shoes with good traction.
  • Dress in layers for changing temperatures.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye out for wildlife.
  • Let someone know your itinerary and expected return time.
  • Be mindful of altitude sickness and take necessary precautions.
  • In addition to this, hike in groups of 3 or more and stay together.
  • Bring a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) or satellite phone in case of emergency.
  • Be prepared for changing weather conditions and potential snow and ice.
  • Bring a repair kit with duct tape, safety pins, and other basic supplies.
  • Bring a small amount of cash and a credit card in case of emergency as well.

Hiking Route for Big Pine Lakes Trail

Here’s a suggested hiking route to explore the beauty of Big Pine Lakes Trail:

  • Start at Glacier Lodge: Firstly, begin your hike at the Glacier Lodge trailhead, which is the starting point for the Big Pine Lakes Trail. You can park your vehicle here and prepare for your adventure.
  • Trailhead to First Lake (7.5 miles round trip): The trail initially follows the North Fork of Big Pine Creek, gradually ascending through a forested canyon. Then after approximately 2.5 miles, you’ll reach First Lake, where you can enjoy stunning views of Temple Crag reflecting in the clear waters.
  • First Lake to Second Lake (10 miles round trip): If you’re up for a longer hike, continue along the trail past First Lake. After another mile or so, you’ll arrive at Second Lake, which offers even more spectacular views of the surrounding peaks and glaciers.
  • Second Lake to Third Lake (14 miles round trip): Then, for the full Big Pine Lakes experience, press on to Third Lake. The trail becomes steeper and more rugged as you ascend, but the payoff is well worth it. Third Lake is often considered the most beautiful of the Big Pine Lakes, with its turquoise waters framed by towering peaks.
  • Return: Lastly, after soaking in the beauty of the lakes, retrace your steps back to Glacier Lodge. Take your time on the descent, as the scenery is just as stunning on the way down.

Best time to Hike the Big Pine Lakes Trail

The best time to hike the Big Pine Lakes Trail is typically during the summer months, from May to October. During this time, the weather is warmer, and the trail is more accessible due to melting snow. However, it’s essential to check weather forecasts and trail conditions before heading out. Because the area can still experience unpredictable weather, especially at higher elevations.

Additionally, early mornings or late afternoons are ideal for hiking to avoid the heat of the day and to enjoy the stunning views with better lighting.

Accommodation Options: Where To Stay

If you’re planning to hike the Big Pine Lake Trail, there are a few options for places to stay nearby. The trailhead offers various accommodation choices ranging from campgrounds to hotels and lodges.

1. Campgrounds:

Firstly, there are several campgrounds in the area where you can pitch a tent or park an RV, such as Big Pine Creek Campground or Glacier Lodge Campground. These are ideal if you prefer a more rustic experience close to nature.

2. Lodges and Cabins:

In addition to this, Glacier Lodge, located near the trailhead, offers cabins for rent. These can provide a cozy and comfortable stay after a day of hiking. However, there are other lodges and cabins available for rent in the nearby towns of Big Pine and Bishop.

3. Hotels and Motels:

Furthermore, if you prefer more amenities and convenience, you can opt for hotels or motels in nearby towns like Big Pine or Bishop. These options provide comfortable beds, hot showers, and often other facilities like restaurants and swimming pools.

4. Backpacking:

For a more adventurous experience, you can also choose to backpack along the trail and camp at designated backcountry campsites. But make sure to check the regulations and obtain any necessary permits beforehand.

So, regardless of your preference, it’s advisable to book your accommodation in advance, especially during peak hiking seasons, to ensure availability.

Additional Information and Resources

1. Required Permits

Inyo National Forest Wilderness Permit
  • Required for all overnight trips into the John Muir Wilderness, where Big Pine Lakes Trail is located.
  • Permits can be obtained from the White Mountain Ranger Station or online through the recreation.gov website.
  • It’s recommended to secure permits well in advance, especially for popular dates and weekends.

2. Big Pine Lakes Trail Map:

Having a map of the Big Pine Lakes Trail before hiking is important. So, following are some of the resources where you can find the Big Pine Lakes Trail map.

  • Inyo National Forest provides detailed maps of the Big Pine Lakes Trail and surrounding areas.
  • Topographic maps are also available at outdoor retailers or online for detailed navigation.
  • AllTrails website offers a detailed map of the Big Pine Lakes Trail, including mileage markers, elevation gain, and user reviews. Click here to visit this website.


In conclusion, the Big Alpine Lake Trail offers a once-in-a-lifetime adventure for those craving an escape to paradise. Whether embarking on a day hike or a multi-day adventure, this trail promises an unforgettable journey through some of the most breathtaking landscapes on Earth.

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